We might not ever see this kind of genius again
Lil dicky is pictured above. He is not your average rapper.
His videos have millions of views on YouTube. Spotify says he has 4,014,811 monthly views.
The man is a living legend. Almost everyone who listens to rap knows his name. He has been making music since 2011. It has gotten him commercial deals, into TV shows, and more.
His story is much different from your average rapper.
One big difference is he’s white. Most rappers are black. I’m stating a fact, so please don’t get triggered.
He also came from an above-middle-class family. He had both parents at home his whole life, which is rare for anyone these days.
He also attended college and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 2010. All of these traits are not common in the rap industry.
In fact, his goal wasn’t even to be a rapper.
That’s the best part.
He wanted to be a comedian. He used his rap ability to leverage stand-up comedic gigs. Pretty freaking intelligent.
As his stage name would indicate, his raps were not always serious. They weren’t about being tough or having sex with a lot of women and having endless amounts of money.
He did the opposite.
He called himself Lil Dicky. He made songs about having no money. He raps about never getting laid.
One of my personal favorite songs of his is titled “Too High.” It’s the story of him and his friends getting together and smoking so much weed that they all can’t function.
He raps about relatable stuff for the average person, like getting high and forgetting to take his chicken nuggets out of the oven.
Seriously, no other rapper has done this before. Other rappers aim to be serious and rap about the same things over and over again.
Instead of competing with everyone else, he created his own lane and had 0 competition. He morphed two very different things together and it made him ridiculously successful.
By putting comedy and rapping together, he created something brand new and people loved it. It was a different take on a business that has been doing it the same way for a long time.
Another one of my favorite songs is called “Classic Male Pregame.”
It’s about what most guys do on a Saturday night before going out to a club or a bar. The story he tells is exactly what everyone guy has gone through in the history of the universe whenever they try to go out.
I highly recommend listening to it no matter who you are.
His stuff is pure gold.
The funny part is that although he started rapping as a joke and to be funny, people genuinely liked his music. He is a real rapper with actual skills. The beats are good too.
While he started as a joke, he is the real deal now. He has songs with Snoop Dog and other high-profile rappers. He is taken seriously in the rap world despite being called Lil Dicky.
The point is, he leveraged a skill and idea that he had in order to make a brand new life for himself.
He paved the way for other performers to do something similar. You don’t have to rap about money, fame, and girls now if you don’t want to. You can rap about whatever you want.
The key that we can all take away is this:
Try to think of two different areas that don’t seem to relate and combine them.
Instead of totally reinventing the wheel and coming up with something brand new, take two things that already exist and combine them.
It is much easier to do this than to start from scratch.
It’s the same thing Apple did when they first started with the iPhone.
They combined a phone, mp3 player, and camera all into one.
It’s the same thing with smart TVs. They took a TV and the internet and combined them. Now smart TVs are in 665 million homes worldwide.
They took ideas and products that were already invented and mashed them into one product. It’s incredibly useful and can change your life.
It sounds easy, but it does take work.
It’s easier than coming up with something brand new, but this isn't something you can do overnight. People will push against your idea in the beginning. But if it works, it’ll catch traction eventually.
Next time you get that crazy idea that seems so off the wall it’ll never work, think about it a little longer.
This is not to say that every idea that comes to your mind will make you a millionaire. I’m saying that you might want to take a few extra moments and see if you can use it or not.
Remember, combining two things that don’t seem to relate can literally change your life.
If Lil Dicky can do it, so can you.