Go even harder after the recharge
I like to be proactive as much as the next person, but we all need a break at some point.
With so many people sharing how to be more productive (myself included), we need to hear from the other side as well.
It’s just as important to our success as the work itself.
It’s called rest.
Disconnecting from the work can work wonders for your productivity. Working nonstop causes burnout.
This doesn't mean you should sit down in total silence thinking about nothing.
That doesn't seem relaxing at all.
Instead, let’s use our recharge time to the fullest of its potential.
Take A Few Minutes To Appreciate Life
It sounds like a cliche, but it’s true.
Think about these things next time you have a chance to recharge.
Look Back At The Progress
We all have made great progress in our lives.
Look back five years ago and compare that to your current life.
If you have been putting in the effort, you have accomplished more and are in a better place compared to back then.
Sometimes we make so much progress, that one year ago seems more like five.
Understand there is still a lot of work to be done, but also realize how far you’ve come along.
Smell the flowers while you’re still alive.
Think Specifically Of The Tough Moments
As you are looking back, think of the toughest moments you’ve had to overcome.
Think about what you had to do to get over that time in your life.
Realize you are capable of doing great things.
You can repeat your success if you had to. You have already proven to yourself that you can conquer difficult situations.
This will give you the confidence to overcome the next difficult task in your life when it shows its ugly head.
Being Productive Is Awesome, But Don’t Forget The Little Things
We often get so consumed in our world that time flies without us noticing.
We get so in the zone that it’s damn near impossible for someone to break it.
While this is good for our productivity, our relationships can sometimes suffer.
Slow down time and appreciate the little things.
That email or phone call you need to make will still be there tomorrow.
When’s the last time you called a close friend or family member?
When people are on their deathbed, their number one regret is often not spending enough time with the people they love.
If you’re the go-go type, this might be a tough pill for you to swallow. That’s alright.
You need to realize that your friends and family will not be around forever.
Tell them you appreciate them while they can hear it.
How To Be Appreciative In Everday Life
Take 5–10 minutes every day to reflect on the above thoughts and questions.
I recommend doing this first thing in the morning.
It will put you in a positive mindset for the day. This is huge.
How you start your day has a huge impact on how it ends.
It also puts things into perspective.
After you do this when you first wake up for a month or two, small things will stop bothering you.
It puts life into perspective.
You will no longer get mad at the person who cut you off in traffic.
You won’t care that you lost the wifi signal for an hour.
You will be able to see the bigger picture of life and that is priceless.
Now Get Back To Work
With all that being said, it’s time to get back to work.
Once your reflection time is over, get back to working like a madman and immerse yourself in the hustle culture.
Just remember to take your 10 minutes tomorrow.