People are Creatures of Habit (And How You Can Use it to Make Money)

Josh L
4 min readMar 21, 2022


We like to give the same companies all our money

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

They say you are a reflection of your habits.

You are the average of the people you spend the most time with.

It doesn’t matter if they’re good, bad, pretty, or ugly, you become the average. If all your friends use hard drugs, you most likely will at least try them.

This is one of the many laws of the universe. It’s not a theory or hypothesis. It’s a law.

That means it’s proven. It has been tested numerous times by different people until it became impossible to disprove it. It is as real as gravity.

Your habits follow the same law. What you do or don’t do every day defines your life. Choices are all around us. The decisions we make eventually add up and become who we are.

That’s why people harp on building good habits all the time.

It’s why in school when there are unassigned seats, students sit in the same spot for the entire semester even though they don’t have to.

They are comfortable with what worked last time and want to repeat the process.

In parking lots of apartment complexes with unassigned parking, it’s the same. People generally park in the same location they always do.

In business, people shop at the same places they have spent money on before.

Amazon is the best example of this. Damn near everyone in the world has used Amazon at least once.

And when they do, everything works out in a positive way. They pay for the product and shipping (if they don’t have Prime) and it gets delivered by the day Amazon said it would.

It’s almost never late with delivery times. They always come in before they say it would or on time.

If something happened for whatever reason and the transaction is delayed or the product arrived broken, they refund you right away.

No questions asked and hassle-free. Because of this, people are much more likely to shop at Amazon again and again.

Amazon is worth an ungodly amount of money. Developing good habits is one reason why.

What’s even more important is that they made it so easy for customers to build habits with them.

It couldn’t be any easier to use Amazon. It’s easy for customers to build habits with Amazon and rely on them for everything they buy.

Use this to your advantage.

Make it easy to work with you and your business.

Make it easy for people to develop the habit of thinking of you when they need the thing your business does.

Once you get that first customer and make that first sale, it only gets easier from there.

And the best part?

Once those habits are formed, they are almost impossible to break. Amazon would have to do something horrendous to lose their fan base.

Think about it. What would it take for you to never shop at Amazon again?

Be easy to work with.

Make it easy for people to build habits with you and your business.

Watch the money flow in.

Think of any other business that has an avid following.

Netflix is another good example.

It has become such a part of our daily lives now, it’s almost impossible to cancel your subscription.

They have made it easy to build habits with them.

The habit is binge-watching shows or movies after a hard day's work or all weekend along.

All you have to do is turn on the TV or your phone and start watching.

Once you find a few shows you like, you’re hooked. Netflix is now part of your everyday habits.

It will take something drastic for you to cut it out.

This is especially true if all the people around you also have a habit of doing something.

You don’t want to feel left out or have FOMO, (fear of missing out) so you keep doing the habit even if you do decide to quit.

Humans like things to be predictable.

It’s why we watch the weather channel. It’s why we take the same route to work every day or run the same trail we’ve been running for ten years.

It’s also why we give the same companies our money.

We want things to be the same and predictable.

Keep these things in mind next time you interact with someone or a potential customer.



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