You need it. Your cousin needs it. Your blind aunt really needs it.
We’ve all heard the clichés.
Money can’t buy love. Money can’t buy happiness. Money is the root of all evil.
We have been taught that money is bad and that people who have a lot of it are evil. We do this despite the fact that we all need money. Today, we need it more than ever.
Sometimes, we say those overused sayings so that we can feel better about ourselves. If you don’t have any money, it’s easier to say it’s evil and you don’t want it than to make more of it.
Money is in fact everything.
We use it and think about it everyday of our lives. People work for long hours at jobs they hate for money. They lie, cheat, kill, and worse all in the name of money.
Without it, we can’t do anything. Toilet paper costs money. Unless you want to use leaves, you need money. Food prices are higher now than ever before. Rent and mortgage payments are outrageous.
Don’t pretend that you don’t want more money or that money makes you evil. Learn to control your money and use it your advantage. Don’t let your money use you.
One of my worse fears is working at a job I hate for the next 40 or 50 years. I literally can not imagine how I would feel everyday. Monday mornings would suck the life out of me.
Especially if I didn’t try anything else. I need to try something to make a few extra bucks. And I’ll keep trying until something works. And when it does, I can forget about working that job I hate.
This is not to disrespect anyone who works a 9–5 all their lives. If you like your job and are happy doing what you do, then good for you. You’ve pretty much beat the game of life.
I just know that life is not for me.
It’s still early in the new year. Use it to work on something that can make you money while not working the regular job.