How To Eliminate Writer’s Block forever

Josh L
2 min readApr 9, 2022


Use this one trick to be 10x more productive when writing

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Outlines are a writer’s best friend.

If you don’t have an outline, there are several consequences.

  1. You won’t know what to write about. This is wasting time.
  2. Your writing won’t have a clear structure or order
  3. You might miss topics you wanted to talk about but forgot

There’s always more, but these three are the ones I often see when I don’t have an outline.

If you sit down at the computer screen with no idea what you plan on wiring about, you might be sitting there for a long time.

Having the ability to pull up an outline and start writing will allow you to get 10x more done in half the time.

It’s almost like a super-secret potion.

Once you start your writing, you’ll know the exact direction you want to go in.

You won’t be second-guessing whether or not a particular aspect of the topic should be included. You will already have the cheat sheet right in front of you.

Another good thing about outlines is that you can make them as detailed as possible.

If you prefer to have just the topic point and then you write freely off of that one word, you can do that.

If you prefer to have a topic and then three points under it you can have that as well.

The outline is used as a tool when you are not sure where to take your writing.

Many writers I know overlook the outline process.

They believe it is not worth the time to complete one.

I would argue that you should be spending more time on the research and outline portion than the actual writing itself.

If you know exactly what you’re going to say and have all the information you need, the writing is already taken of.

If you enjoy writing, it makes it even easier.

The big reason for putting together an outline is to save time.

Eliminate writer’s block forever. Already know what you are going to write about a day or two in advance of the actual writing taking place.

Once you realize the power that outlines have, you will never go back to writing without them.



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