Getting Pissed After Procrastinating All Day

Josh L
3 min readApr 17, 2022


A situation that might be relatable

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

I didn't do anything all day today.

I sat around thinking of all the items on my to-do list and how I wasn’t doing any of them.

I tried to rationalize this by telling myself that I needed a day off.

I did a lot of reading, but I had too much on my list to spend the whole day reading.

Then I got a sudden kick in the ass and felt motivated to do something.

I got off the couch and fired up my laptop…

It said “No Connection.”

I Was Pissed


I was ready to put in some work but now it wasn’t working for me!

Why would the world do this to me?

I had a lot to do and now wasn’t going to be able to do any of it.

I remember thinking, this really sucks.

Then I realized I was using the internet all day.

So if I had decided to do something during the day, I would have been able to get stuff done.

Instead, I was on social media.

It made me realize that sometimes the world is ready for us, and we do nothing.

We simply blow away the opportunity to succeed.

Then, when we’re finally ready to do something, life has moved on and we missed our chance.

What It Taught Me

I learned a lot today.

First, procrastination leads to frustration.

All my problems would have been solved if I had started sooner.

Instead, I opted to waste our most valuable resource, time.

This made it impossible to do the work. I missed out on an entire day of work for nothing.

Second, I learned if you can do something right now, do it.

Nike has it right, “Just Do It.”

If you put things off that can be done right now, you will only lead a life of frustration and make everything much harder for yourself.

This leads to point number three.

Much of the stress that comes our way is from what we continue to put off.

It’s another classic 80/20 rule taking place before our eyes.

80% of the stress in our lives comes from 20% of the things that we choose to put off that come back to haunt us.

The good news is that we can take a small step toward almost anything in life.

It’s easy to make a phone call or send an email.

It’s easy to open up your laptop and write your blog post.

What's even better is that once you start working, you will build momentum that will keep you productive.

It’s one of Newton's laws you heard about in science class but thought was useless.

What you learn in school is pretty much useless, but this law is not.

Moral Of The Story

Do it now.

Don’t get pissed off and stressed about something you could have completed three days ago.

You only have yourself to blame if you fail.

Start something and let your momentum carry you to the finish line.

It will make your life much easier.



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