Biting Your Nails Will Make you Unsuccessful

Josh L
2 min readFeb 19, 2022


It’s a tough habit to break

Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

Biting your nails is not attractive or clean.

It can be painful and cause other irritations. Despite this, many people bite their nails their whole lives.

Biting your nails sends an immediate signal to those around you. The most telling signal it says about you is that you have no confidence. Peopel who bite their nails do it because they are anxious.

Habitially anxious people are scared. They struggle to get through tasks because they worry non-stop about the outcome. They only think about what can go wrong.

No one can succeed in life with this mentality. Nail biting is a key indicator that you are not in a good place mentally.

If you want to stop biting your nails, you need to realize the trigger that causes it. For example, when I bite my nails, it is because I am nervous about something.

It could be about a tough decision I need to make or a presentation I need to give at work. When I feel the nervousness coming on, I make sure to put my hands in my pockets or workout if possible.

That helps me to get rid of my stress in a more positive manner. Do whatever works for you.

You will fail in the beginning. Like any addiction, it’s hard to stop. It’s alright to fail, but you need to keep trying. Recognizing your trigger points is a huge first step.



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