Be Anti-Humble

Josh L
3 min readApr 15, 2022


Enough with the modesty and talking yourself down

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

When’s the last time being too confident led to a negative outcome?

I bet you can’t think of one.

Maybe the closest you can get is it affected a relationship with another person.

If they take offense or are unhappy with you being your most confident self, you don’t need them in your life anyway.

With that being said, let’s get into it.

What Does It Mean To Be Anti-Humble

It’s exactly as it sounds.

It’s the opposite of being humble.

It’s having so much confidence that you are in the zone of arrogance and cockiness.

It’s what people tell you not to be.

You usually hear how you need to be humble and try not to outshine or out due to someone too much.


Being anti-humble means becoming the best version of yourself.

Why It’s Better than Being Humble

Similar to the introduction, think of a time when something good happened to you.

Were you confident at that moment?

Were you feeling good about yourself and felt like you were capable of handling any task?

The answer is yes.

For good things to happen and for progress to be made in life, you must be confident in your abilities.

You should STAY Humble If…

Being anti-humble isn’t for everyone.

Some people can’t handle the attention and criticism that comes with it.

We are so used to dealing with people that aren’t fully confident in themselves that when we meet someone who is, we look down on it.

If you choose this life, the following will happen.

  1. Some people won’t like you
  2. People will expect you to always be great. You will have set a high standard for yourself.
  3. You will stand out from the crowd. This leads to more attention on you and more envy from others.

If you think you can handle the above points, let’s get into more positives about being cocky.

What Being Cocky Will Do For You

Being confident will repel non-confident people, but it will attract other confident people.

This is a good thing.

The old adage is that you become the sum of the three people you spend the most time with.

If you are spending time with higher-level people, you are a high-value person as well.

Being in a better circle will lead to more opportunities for you and your business.

Kill Fear Forever

Do you know what fear and doubt feed on?


If you fear something, the worse thing you can do is put time between yourself and that fear.

When you are supremely confident in yourself, you will attack the fear immediately and destroy it before it has a chance to feed.

Confidence allows you to take on any challenge in life and have the mental toughness to complete it.

It Guides Every Action

You don’t think about it when you get in your car and start driving.

That’s because you have become proficient and have done it so many times that you don’t think about it anymore.

If you weren’t confident, you would struggle to drive.

Think back to when you were learning and hadn’t received your license yet.

Driving was nerve-wracking!

Now, you most likely do it every day without a second thought.

That’s confidence.

Change Your Life Now

Change your life for the better.

Become so confident that people start calling you cocky and arrogant.

Only good things will come of this.

Be anti-humble.

Stop downplaying your achievements and your strengths.

Make sure the world knows about it by shouting from the rooftops.

Be anti-humble.



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